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Where to find us:
The Therapy Rooms Pembrokeshire,
Ferry Lane,
Pembroke Dock,
SA71 4RE
To make an appointment please call the therapist directly:
Emma Lewis MOst Osteopathy: 07985 709733
Rachel Edney BSc LicAc MBAcC Acupuncture: 07815 097473
John Charles EMMETT Technique and Reiki: 07776 338118
Kelly Peat HND VTCT Massage: 07814 879797
Dr Wen Fu TCM acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine: 07479 833261
Julie Hurst Person-centred counselling: 07940 745649
Louise Hill Aesthetic treatments: 07889 800088
Angela Robinson Reiki, EFT, Bach Flower Remedies: 07983 963192
Deonne Wales Psychosexual Therapy: 07895 679146
For any other enquiries regarding making an appointment or renting a room please use the form below:
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