Acupuncture is an ancient system of medicine whereby hair-fine needles are inserted just below the skin into specific points along natural energy channels to restore health. As well as improvements in their physical symptoms, patients commonly report feeling better emotionally and more able to cope
Our acupuncturists have experience of treating many conditions, including sleep disorders, migraine, chronic pain, back conditions, and menstrual problems. Our practitioners have received further training in fertility acupuncture, cosmetic acupuncture, tuina massage and herbal therapy.
To make an appointment call Rachel Edney BSc LicAc MBAcC on 07815 097473.
You can find out more about Five Element Acupuncture at
See more from Rachel here.
To make an appointment with Dr Wen Fu call 07479 833261
You can find out more about TCM at Pembrokeshire T C M - Dr Wen Hoi-Yee Fu
See more from Wen here.